Embrace this opportunity to connect with the divine and tap into the potent powers of the Goddess of Wealth.
What's going on with my money?
Being alive means dealing with the concept of money and its perceived worth. Our self-worth is often tied to our ability to make money or prove our value.
Feeling like we lack money is not solely about the lack of funds, but rather stems from forgetting our true origin and identity. We have become trapped in repetitive cycles from our past, causing us to feel isolated, inadequate, and unsuccessful.
However, if we were to recognize the truth, we would realize our potential for success.
"Money is karma, it is illusion, it is testing and it is Shakti! It is God's money, and you are the temporary caretaker. Use it to do good works, dharma without attachment. It comes and it goes. Don't be attached. Be grateful for whatever you have in the moment. Live your dharma (purpose path). Then Lakshmi cannot leave you and Maya loses interest in testing you."
-- Sri Kaleshwar
Money Karma
Each person has a unique energy pattern with money. To start receiving and giving money freely, we need to overcome our personal obstacles related to money.
Now is the moment to realize our connection to the abundant divine forces like God, Source, or Mother. We are all children of the Divine Mother, who possesses and created everything. We are an integral part of her and her world. Let's reconnect with her and request the flow of money as a child would ask their mother.
Harness Ancient Methods to Unlock Financial Abundance
Drawing from age-old Vedic technologies, this transformative process allows you to invite streams of money into your life effortlessly. Shanti will guide you through a simple sacred ritual and invocation, helping you establish a sacred connection with the benevolent Goddess of Wealth.
Attract more wealth in your life.
Connect with the Divine Mother who is responsible for abundance, both in finances and spirituality, and receive her gifts and blessings. We are lucky to have ancient techniques specifically designed for us at this moment in time, which were revealed by a beloved Indian Saint, Sri Kaleshwar, to help us establish a connection with the Divine Mother who grants material and spiritual blessings.
Unlock one of the secrets to more wealth now.
With the Prosperity Free Gift Process, you will delve into authentic Vedic practices and rituals, rooted in tradition and ancient wisdom given to us by the Rishis, the great cosmic scientists. Immerse yourself in the art of sacred mantras that have been used for centuries to invoke the blessings of the goddess.
Don't miss this amazing chance to transform your financial future.
Take advantage of this gift for prosperity now and improve your life.
Start your flow of abundance by making a donation and receive the ancient technology for flowing abundance.
Diksha is the ancient practice of giving and receiving.
By giving what you can, you ensure positive karmic outcomes and trust that abundance will come!
Choose Your Donation
It is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $4 as a gesture of the law of exchange. If you can afford more, please choose one of the other options, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings. Donate
DonateIt is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $8 as a gesture of the law of exchange. If you can afford more, please choose one of the other options, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings
It is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $15 as a gesture of the law of exchange. If you can afford more, please choose one of the other options, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings Donate
It is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $22 as a gesture of the law of exchange. Thank you for your honesty in choosing this option, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings DonateDonate